Sunday, June 29, 2014


Pride is one of the greatest feelings. As a Fred Hutch employee I have the privilege of being proud pretty much every single day I go to work, and today I got to share some of that pride with my fellow colleagues in Hutch United as we joined in the 40th annual Seattle Pride Parade, honoring those who fought the early battles and those continuing to advocate for equality in changing times”.

Last year I was watching the parade in awe, smiling and sweating in the beaming sunlight. This time, my smile was even wider as I danced along the route proudly wearing my bright blue Fred Hutch tee and waiving rainbow-colored ribbons, completely embraced by the loving, accepting atmosphere this fantastic city is all about.

And trust me, my friend Tony was not overly grieved as he lead our way in the black Tesla, an electric sports car graciously lent to us by one of the FHCRC faculty members. To be honest, I don't know where he went after the parade; I think he might have just taken off into the sunset, never looking back.


Seattle, I love you! Happy pride!


  1. Haha, hunden! :-)

    Vi var nere på paraden här i stan när det begav sig, men er verkar ju lite häftigare.

    Har sett nån video av en sån där Tesla, verkar rätt fräck.

    1. Det var helt klart mäktigt att gå i paraden - så mycket folk! Helt fullknökat, och alla vinkade, jublade och applåderade. Rejäl feststämning! :)
