Friday, May 10, 2013


Grant application signed and submitted: Bam! Just like that.

The past month has been frantic in every sense and I've been veering from despair to hope more or less on a daily basis. It's been positively exhausting... But now I'm done.


So my friends, although my fate clearly lies in the hands of others, please help me with crossing fingers, holding thumbs, and praying to whatever entities might help me get funded for another year in Seattle.

Because I ain't done with this city yet. Period.


  1. Even though I already sent you a tweet about this a second ago, I wanted to say congratulations and good luck. I will be sending you positive thoughts.

  2. Håller både tummar och tår. Hoppas att du får lite tid att ta igen dig också, inte bra med all work and no play.

  3. Whiii! Härligt att det är klart, hoppas du orkade med en bra firarfest i fredags. :) Kram och grattis!

  4. Thank you all for support and words of encouragement - it means a lot! The verdict will be revealed by the Immunotherapy steering committee in June. Until then: keep holding on to those thumbs! ;)

  5. Heja heja pepp pepp! Tänker bara positiva tankar och hoppas på det bästa!

  6. Har du fått svar ännu...äsh det får jag veta på söndag... för då ses vi !!!!!
    Har längtat gumman :D
